Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nebraska Trip!

A week or so ago I was blessed to be able to fly out to Nebraska to meet our newest Grandson!  I wish the whole family could have gone with me...thanks, James, for holding down the fort!
Introducing sweet Rhett Aaron Dixon...look at that dimple!

 Newest Nebraska fan!

I was so excited to have Tyler take me to his Law School... We are so proud of him and how hard he is working for this goal of a Law Degree!
Of course, you know I am a sports nerd!  Tyler and Kalvy took me to the football stadium and we had a wonderful time!  We even got to go on the field (Grami must have been pulling some strings from heaven!)

 National Championship Trophy's!

 Kalvy checking out the amazing conditioning facility...

Then we went to see where Tyler worked last summer for the Nebraska Attorney Generals Office...the State Capital.  What a beautiful building rich with history...so cool!

 Looking out over Lincoln, Nebraska from the top of the Capital Building... beautiful!
Tyler came home from school with a gift for the baby... a cute "Future Nebraska Law Grad"onsie!
All too quickly...it came time to say goodbye to my sweet boys!
 I will miss you...thank heaven for Skype!  I can't wait to see you at Christmas time!

On the way to the airport Tyler and Kalvin took me to the Winter Quarters Visitor Center, Cemetery and to see the beautiful Temple... a great way to end my trip!

Thanks for the wonderful time!  We love you all and we are so proud of you!


  1. So glad you could go! Rhett is a beautiful baby!

  2. Wonderful!! I am so happy that you got to go to Nebraska, meet and hold handsome Rhett, hug cute Kalvy, spend time being shown around Nebraska and see some of the amazing things Tyler is doing. We are all so proud of Tyler and Kelly and their beautiful family. We love you! Congratulations!!!

  3. Wow you got some really good pictures mom - that one of the capitol is awesome.
