Monday, September 5, 2011

First Day of School 2011

    It was the first day of school for most of my boys last week. 
Tyler graduated from Utah Valley University last spring.  He took his sweet wife Kelly and our Grandson Kalvin to Nebraska where he started Law School!  We are so proud of them!
Tyler has worked very hard and is thrilled for this opportunity!
Go Huskers!

Brad and Cami returned from Maryland where they spent the summer working HARD!  They both started back at school at UVU!  

Noah started 9th Grad this year!  He is enjoying his first experience with Early Morning Seminary and he is loving it!  We look forward to great things from him!

Ethan is excited to be starting 6th grade... (How can my baby be in his last year of elementary school?)  He has an AWESOME teacher.  Ethan is such a good boy and brings so much happiness to our home.  He notices the details about everything... and loves to tell us all about everything!

And last, but not least, my dear husband started school in the Executive Master's of Public Administration Program at Brigham Young University!  He is so excited and I know he will do fantastic!  Now just to find time for homework along with City Council, a re-election campaign, work, church calling, family... 

I am so proud of them all!  I am grateful you each understand the value of education!

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