Monday, February 3, 2014

Beautiful Blessing Day!

Our sweet Everly Mei was blessed yesterday...
What a wonderful experience to hear her Daddy give her such a beautiful blessing!
James' Aunt Nancy Jean made her beautiful blessing dress...amazing!
Lookin at her Daddy:
She is starting to smile...
Papa (James) made her the traditional heart disc for her Blessing Day...
Showing her off to Adam and Jake
The Dixon crew in the kitchen, of course...
Visiting with Great Grama Janice Kapp Perry... she was so good all day!
This was a wonderful day... full of joy and gratitude!
Everly talking to Papa before they left to go back to Logan... 


  1. What a glorious day! Everly is absolutely beautifully perfect!!

  2. Melissa just told me about your blog. This is wonderful! I'm glad you recorded Everly's beautiful blessing day.
