Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Tyler sent me a text with this picture...

Then Kalvin called me:
Kalvin: "Hi Mimi"
Me: "Hi Kalvy"
Kalvin: "Tornado!"
Me: "Are you safe"
Kalvin: "We are safe! Love you!"

First tornado watch in Nebraska... pretty exciting!?! Oh, man...

1 comment:

  1. No worries mother =)I'm worried if we ever do get a tornado we won't be able to keep Kal in the basement, though. He'll want to go see it (he pretends there are "tormadoes" outside every day when I get home. And "Hurrmicanes" and volcanoes which cover the ground in hot lava (so we can't touch the ground, of course). He even has a Hot Lava song now - "Don't touch the ground, cuz its hot, hot lava! You can't even go on your, tippy toes!" I think he got it from a disney show... I'll have him sing it to you next time we talk, the little nut.
